Model A Youth Month 2024

May is National Model A Youth Month so we decided to ask the Morris County Vo-tech if they would be interested if our club could come out and show the students our vehicles and explain some interesting facts about them. Mr. Chase from the automotive department was more than happy to have us come out. Many other vocational groups came out to see the cars also. We all met at the Denville Fire Department so it was a good opportunity for a photo of our fire truck.

We arrived at the school for the morning classes with a wide variety of nine Model A’s. Thirteen of our club members interacted with the students for facts and fun information about our vehicles. Some of the students really showed a great interest in the vehicles. We were able to put a vehicle on the lift to take a really good look. Hopefully no oil dripped on anyone.

We broke for lunch and went to Paul’s Diner in Denville. Had a great lunch and appointed Ed and John as our Technical Advisors for the club. A title well deserved with all of their knowledge and hard work throughout the years. We thank you both!!

The club returned back and met with the afternoon classes. It is very exciting to see the reaction of the students as they saw our vehicles. Many pictures were taken, even the students that were just passing from one class to another had such a great reaction. Some even came over and asked some questions. I met one boy whose grandmother has a Model A just like ours. He showed me some pictures and was very excited. His uncle drives it occasionally. I feel that this event was very interesting for the students and felt that they were thankful that we were there. Hopefully we can do this again next year and spread the word about Model A’s.