What a wonderful turn out we had on Saturday, Dec. 28th to begin the work for the restoration of our club firetruck. Eighteen guys showed for the disassemble of all the body parts down to the frame. We began promptly at 9am with plenty of coffee and doughnuts including Evelyn Vanderhoof’s amazing crumb cake. We worked steadily until 2:30pm. I was overwhelmed by the hard work and enthusiastic participation, I have never seen so many of my wrenches and tools all being used at one time. We had some of the newest members to some of our oldest members helping out, even Andy Cannizaro came to check it out. The truck has been stripped down to the chassis and all of the parts are being stored In my trailer. The next step is for Bruce to sandblast and prime many of the parts to prepare for the VoTeck body shop to paint. Hopefully, in a month or so we will begin to reassemble the cowl and front end. This is a big project and we still have a long way to go. I would love to take the truck to the National Meet in Gettysburg in June to show it off. Thank you all for the wonderful effort and hard work. Updates will be posted as progress develops.